Red Bream (Besugo)

Pagellus bogaraveo
Nutritional facts
Valor nutricional
Hidratos de carbono por diferencia 0,27 g
Humedad 77,42 g
Proteina bruta 17,50 g
Grasa bruta 3,50 g
Cenizas 1,31 g
Energía 103 Kcal
Energía 429 Kj
Sodio 0,11 %
Ac. grasos monoinsaturados 30,7 %
Ac. grasos poliinsaturados 30,2 %
Ac. grasos saturados 39,10 %
Ac. grasos Omega3
Ac. alfa-Linoléico <0,10 %
Ac. Eicosatetraenoico <0,10 %
Ac. Clupanódico 3,60 %
Ac. grasos Omega6
Ac. Linoleico 2,50 %
Ac. gamma-Linolénico <0,10 %
Ac Dihomo-gamma-linolénic <0,10 %
Ac. Araquidónico 3,50 %
Valor por 100 g de producto
Full information

(Pagellus bogaraveo ) is also known as ‘painted red bream’ or voraz. It is common to the European occidental and Mediterranean coastal waters to approximately 400m deep. Considered a semi fat fish.
The red bream is a gregarious fish feeding on invertebrates, crustaceans, molluscs, land larvae of other fish. With typical conforming looks, oval shaped, high tight body. Short head, small mouth and big eyes. Flanks are red tinged and the fins are a pinky red.
From a nutritional point of view, it is a food with an important value in selenium, vitamins 812, proteins, water, phosphorous, and is excellent as a food to protect against cardiovascular illness, improve immunology and supply high antioxidants.

Fishing method

Long line, dragline, fishing line and occasionally trawler fishing. In the sport of fishing it is captured at important depths using a kite system.

Similar fish types

Aligote or deep sea bream, Herrera.